Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Happy Squirrel Day

Been a long time since there was a post in this blog.

Anyways, I came across a story of a dead squirrel in South Main. What's up with these squirrels? Do they still exist downtown? There have been known incidents of squirrels attacking humans with bagels, maybe it there is a squirrel serial killer on the loose?

Squirrels are from the family Scuiridae, which include chipmunks, priarie dogs and woodchucks (aka Ground Hogs). It's been murderously cold lately, could the squirrel have succombed to the weather? Ditch Ground Hog Day, maybe we should use the squirrel as a fortune teller of the weather. Let's have a Squirrel Day. If the ground squirrel comes out of its burrow and dies, then we know that the temperature is murderously cold. Happy Squirrel Day.

1 comment:

Godfather said...

Did you know squirrel spelled backwards is 'Lerriuqs'
oh well, guess it doesn't mean anything!